Andrew C. Holman, CPA
Of Counselandy@ritzholman.com • 414-390-1190
Andy Holman’s Areas of Expertise
- Nonprofit Accounting Services
- Nonprofit Financial Management
- Private Foundations
Andy Holman is a principal and member of the firm’s nonprofit and outsourcing teams. Since joining the firm in 1987, becoming partner in 1993 and principal in 2018, Andy has focused on nonprofit audit and financial management. His experience is concentrated on nonprofit audit and financial management services with a special emphasis on:
- Nonprofit audit, review and compilations
- Application and tax-exempt status consulting
- Preparation of nonprofit federal and state tax returns
- Private foundations advisory services
- Start-up charity consulting
- Financial operations analysis
- Technical assistance with fiscal policies and procedures
- Board and governance fiscal training
- Accounting and bookkeeping
In addition to his 40-plus years of nonprofit experience, Andy serves as an adjunct professor at the University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee, teaching a graduate course in nonprofit accounting and financial management as part of the Helen Bader Institute for Nonprofit Management. In 2007, he co-presented on, “Informing Nonprofit Management via the Analysis of Key Financial Ratios,” at the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action’s annual conference.
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
- Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public Accountants (WICPA)
- Coalition of Photographic Arts-Treasurer
- Saola Foundation board of directors
- Rock the Green-Treasurer
Volunteer Work
- African Aquatic Conservation Fund
- Le Flambeau Foundation
Bachelor Degree in Business Accounting and Community Education, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
2006 WICPA Public Service Award for his public service work at the local, region and state level.
“If I couldn’t work with nonprofit organizations, I wouldn’t be in public accounting.”
Andrew C. Holman, CPA • Of Counsel